QEWC desalination plant 30 MIGD
Construction of all the civil works related to the 30 MIGD desalination plant in Ras Abu Fontas B2 was executed on a sub-contract basis with Fisia Italimpianti of Italy.
The project consisted mainly of the following:
• 2 nos reinforced concrete potable water reservoirs with a capacity of 75,000 m3 each (l: 121 m, w: 111 m, h: 6.4 m),
• civil works for the desalination, boiler and electro chlorination areas
• structures for the electrical and control systems,
• structures for the piping and plant systems
• underground pipelines process
• potable water blending plant
• foundations for the booster pumps and related works
• several buildings including administration and switch-gear buildings, air compressor and chemical storage buildings, the remineralization plant switch-gear and control buildings.
The project consisted mainly of the following:
• 2 nos reinforced concrete potable water reservoirs with a capacity of 75,000 m3 each (l: 121 m, w: 111 m, h: 6.4 m),
• civil works for the desalination, boiler and electro chlorination areas
• structures for the electrical and control systems,
• structures for the piping and plant systems
• underground pipelines process
• potable water blending plant
• foundations for the booster pumps and related works
• several buildings including administration and switch-gear buildings, air compressor and chemical storage buildings, the remineralization plant switch-gear and control buildings.