Cold Rolling Mill
Design, construction, erection and commissioning of pickle line, cold rolling mill and continuous galvanizing facilities. Besides the main complex the adjacent structures included in the scope of work are: Water Treatment plant, Potable Waste and Cooling water units, General warehouse and the Administration building.
Due to the soil condition of the project location and the existing free groundwater table measured between 1.10m and 2.15m, the scope of work included soil improvement activities by vibro-replacement technique (stone columns) and piled foundations were required where heavy loads under strict settlement limitations had to be founded. For this purpose, bored cast in situ piles were used.
The scope of work covered mainly the civil works including the foundations, technological pits, inspection rooms, ground slabs and road works. The finishing works for all structures were included in the scope of work.
The main part of the new plant was housed by a steel frame structure of about 40m in height, 230m in length and 90m in width.
Earthworks : 81,700 m³
Piling (600 mm dia) : 5,500 m
Concrete : 26,000 m³
Formworks : 31,500 m
Reinforcing steel : 2,800 Ton
Structural steel : 9,500 Ton
Road works : 21,200 m²
Water proofing works: 1,200 m²
Due to the soil condition of the project location and the existing free groundwater table measured between 1.10m and 2.15m, the scope of work included soil improvement activities by vibro-replacement technique (stone columns) and piled foundations were required where heavy loads under strict settlement limitations had to be founded. For this purpose, bored cast in situ piles were used.
The scope of work covered mainly the civil works including the foundations, technological pits, inspection rooms, ground slabs and road works. The finishing works for all structures were included in the scope of work.
The main part of the new plant was housed by a steel frame structure of about 40m in height, 230m in length and 90m in width.
Earthworks : 81,700 m³
Piling (600 mm dia) : 5,500 m
Concrete : 26,000 m³
Formworks : 31,500 m
Reinforcing steel : 2,800 Ton
Structural steel : 9,500 Ton
Road works : 21,200 m²
Water proofing works: 1,200 m²